HomeCost of zirconia crowns in Chennai
Cost of zirconia crowns in Chennai
Date : 05/2/20
- Do you feel that your broken tooth needs a crown?If yes, then think about getting a metal free zirconia crowns at an affordable cost in Chennai as soon as possible. Contact us and get to know the cost of zirconia crowns.
- Because most of the time a tooth with deep cavity or a broken tooth will definitely need Root canal treatment(RCT) and a crown.
- Tooth crowns protect the teeth from further damage and the life of the tooth would be extended.
- But if left untreated the broken tooth or a tooth with deep cavity might cause infection because of which your will go for removal.
- Tooth crowns are made up of various materials, but there are basically two types
1. metal crowns
2. metal free crowns
- Zirconia crowns are metal free crowns which is completely in tooth color and it looks very much similar to the natural tooth.
- This is one of our happy patient who got his zirconia crown in just 2 days…
Patient complaint:
- A 33 year old male patient from Mowlivakkam came to our clinic with a chief complaint of pain in one of his tooth in the right side lower jaw since 4-5 days. Patient added that pain increases during chewing, because of which he is chewing on only one side.
On clinical examination:
- Patient presented with a large amalgam filling(silver color) in one of his molar tooth in the right side lower jaw( tooth no.46)
- Calculus present with mild bleeding in the gums, while most of his other teeth looks healthy.
- Digital photographs and x-rays were taken to analyse the condition for the tooth and to plan the treatment.
Preoperative image
On radiological examination:
- X-rays revealed deep filling in tooth no 46 which is almost close to the dental pulp with secondary caries below the filling because of which the patient had developed pain
- There is no obvious infection present at the root end of the tooth.
Treatment plan:
- Root canal treatmen(RCT) for the tooth under local anesthesia using painless injection technique, followed by a zirconia crown.
- Full mouth Scaling(cleaning), we advised the patient to undergo the treatment as soon as possible to prevent the further infection.
Treatment done
- Since the patient was okay with the treatment plan root canal treatment was done under local anesthesia for the tooth with large filling on the very same day.
- The root canal treated tooth was given a permanent filling after which the tooth was modified to create space for the crown. Measurement was taken for the crown(3D intra oral scanning done)
- Finally a metal free Zirconia crown was fixed onto the tooth.
Postoperative image:
Occlusal view
Side view
Related links:
For you tube link:
To see our patients testimonial
For further details:
Call – 9840449777
Mail us – consultidic@gmail.com