HomeCOVID 19(corona virus)
COVID 19(corona virus)

As per ADA guidelines for dentists regarding COVID 19(corona virus) Pandemic, we are providing only emergency dental treatment and postponing elective treatments.
Is dental clinic open now in covid 19(corona virus) time?
Yes.. dental clinics are open now in covid 19(corona virus) lock down period exclusively for emergency situation..
Is it safe to undergo dental treatment in covid19 period?
Yes.. by following proper safety protocols before, during and after the treatment it is safe to do teeth treatment in covid / corona time.
What all tooth treatment can be done?
- Severe tooth pain
- Uncontrolled bleeding
- Pain or infection in third molar(wisdom tooth)
- Broken tooth
- Abscess (infection around tooth and gums)
- Swelling in gums and face
- Restoration(filling) causing severe pain
- Dental trauma
- Orthodontic wire or appliances piercing or impinging on gums and cheeks and causing ulcers
- Dental crown(cap), bridge cementation if lost and broken
- Suture removal
Who should not undergo dental treatment COVID 19(corona virus)?
Any individual with,
- Fever
- Cough
- Fatigue
- Who hospitalised in last 28 days
- History of direct contact with COVID +VE cases
- Symptomatic individuals
Safety protocols followed in our clinic as per IDA Guidelines:
- Selecting only particular patients who are free of symptoms, there should not be any history or contact with COVID 19 individuals
- Patient screening with thermal scanner before entering into treatment room
- Proper sterilisation protocols to maintain safe environment
- Well ventilated
- Proper autoclaving of all dental instruments
- Hand wash and mouth wash for patients immediately enters in clinic
- Getting consent from all for not having any contact or symptom of corona virus
- Getting detailed history from patients in reception
- Treatment area sterilised properly after every patients
- Doctors and staffs regularly following PPE( Personal protective equipment) protocols..i.e. Gloves, mask, surgical apron, face shield
- Scheduled and spaced appointments
- Only one visitor allowed along with patient
- Encouraging all patients and visitors are wearing mask
- Ensuring safe waste management

Clinic working hours in COVID 19(corona virus):
Monday – Sunday : 8am – 2pm
Only by appointments – Getting prior appointment is mandatory
For more details/ For appointment:
Contact: 9840449777
Email. : consultidic@gmail.com
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